Eternal Spring is an animated documentary in which Chinese artist Daxiong revisits his participation in a 2002 hijacking of a TV station.
Keep ReadingAn interview with In the Same Breath director Nanfu Wang on documenting censorship, surveillance, propaganda, and misinformation through the lens of COVID-19.
Keep ReadingHas anyone noticed, that the most untruthful American president in history came to office surrounded with documentary filmmakers? Is the difference between Michael Moore and Donald Trump simply one of degree?
Keep ReadingSHAME on these filmmakers for making a film like this, full of misinformation and disinformation, to intentionally depress audiences, and make them think there are no alternatives.
Keep ReadingPlanet of the Humans (USA, 100 min.) Dir. Jeff Gibbs You’ve got to hand it to Michael Moore. The Oscar winning documentarian has always been provocative, whether he’s exposing the US gun lobby
Keep ReadingThe standout Canadian docs of 2019 include nîpawistamâsowin: We Will Stand Up, This Is Not a Movie, The Corporate Coup d'État, Toxic Beauty, and Propaganda: The Art of Selling Lies.
Keep ReadingBring the biggest box of Kleenex you can find to One Child Nation. This devastatingly powerful film, which won the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance this year, is an absorbing, eye-opening, and
Keep ReadingYou see him everywhere, a large sneering bully of a man. He’s the Donald, the #potus—really, is that so much quicker to say than President?—the orange skinned asshole with the trophy wife
Keep ReadingI Am Sun Mu is a bold and compelling portrait of an artist fighting a totalitarian system and triumphing through his work.
Keep ReadingPing’an yueqing might be Ai Weiwei's most engaged work of activism as a filmmaker with its chilling portrait of China under surveillance.
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