Alina Orlov's The Cavalry offers an experimental portrait of Israeli apartheid seen through the eyes of a police horse trained to obey.
Keep ReadingAn interview with Parastoo Anoushahpour on her experimental short film The Time That Separates Us, inspired by the Sodom and Gomorrah tale of Lot.
Keep ReadingAfter the endless hand-twisting debates around race in Canada’s artist movie portals – in production co-ops, in distribution joints, in cinematheques and fests – why are they still so very white? This
Keep Reading“He didn’t live a double life. He lived twice.” - An appreciation of Chris Marker's influential classic La jetée
Keep ReadingThere have been rumours about a John Porter photo book for nearly as long as he has been making pictures. Kudos to editor/producer Clint Enns for making this project happen.
Keep ReadingHe tells me his dreams, sometimes, when I run into him, which is more often than not these days. It seems we are intersecting, like it or not, ready or not, but
Keep ReadingJorgen Leth: Translucent Being The Five Obstructions, a movie made with (and despite) Lars Von Trier, has pushed Jorgen Leth further into visibility on the global stage but there are long lines
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