Artist and activist Layla Staats is the guide in Boil Alert as she travels Canada and the USA to learn about water contamination in Indigenous communities.
Keep ReadingAn interview with Deep Rising director Matthieu Rytz on probing the world's oceans, working with Jason Mamoa, and taking environmental narratives beyond the quest for unobtanium.
Keep ReadingWho expected a whale to be the most relatable film character of 2021? The Loneliest Whale delivers a touching quest to explore the truth about a mysterious whale that swims through the
Keep ReadingFathom (USA, 85 min.) Dir. Drew Xanthopoulos “I’m trying to start a conversation,” explains Dr. Michelle Fournet in Fathom. Dr. Fournet is one of two researchers in the doc. The other is
Keep ReadingAn individual’s effort to make the world a better place can often feel like a drop in the ocean. Not in this case. Hell or Clean Water reminds audiences that one drop
Keep ReadingPart 1: The Creative Development of Wild Pacific Rescue By Andrew Munger As White Pine Pictures’ Director of Unscripted Development, my primary responsibility is to create, develop and pitch new documentary and
Keep ReadingAquarela (UK/Germany/Denmark/Russia, 94 min.) Dir. Victor Kossakovsky Numerous journalists, advocates, scientists, and environmentalists speculate that water scarcity will be the cause for World War III. However, Aquarela makes a compelling case that water will wage
Keep ReadingWonders of the Sea (UK/France, 82 min.) Dir. Jean-Michel Cousteau, Jean-Jacques Mantello Just this week, Arnold Schwarzenegger told CNN that Donald Trump was in the wrong for denying climate change and withdrawing the USA from the Paris
Keep ReadingEmanuel Hoss-Desmarais talks about the doc What Lies Below, which accompanies fisherman/activist Lawrence Gunther around Canada’s water systems.
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