Review: ‘The Apollo of Gaza’

The Apollo of Gaza (Switzerland/Canada, 78 minutes) Dir: Nicolas Wadimoff Programme: Artifice Co-produced by the NFB, The Apollo of Gaza recalls Orson Welles’s documentary F for Fake in its mesmerized exploration of the blurred lines between reality

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Who is Astra Taylor?

Talking to Astra Taylor is a little like watching her documentary What is Democracy? You get the feeling that you’re in the company of a very smart person, erudite and politically astute, but she’s

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Review: ‘Wall’

Wall (Canada, 78 min.) Dir. Cam Christiansen In 2018, “wall” is a volatile word. Donald Trump’s oft-threatened wall on the USA/Mexico border epitomizes the current White House administration’s deranged, sensationalist, and polarizing attitude

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