At IDFA, each year the show goes on and on, crammed with snaking ticket queues and rush lines for both the public and pass-holders.
Keep ReadingKaterina Cizek’s Highrise is a multi-media, collaborative documentary project about the human experience in global vertical suburbs.
Keep ReadingWhat happened to Brett Gaylor’s first online collaborative documentary platform project, Open Source Cinema?
Keep ReadingCrossmedia. Docmedia. Cyberdocs. New Media, Next Media, Now Media. 360 degree programming. Multiplatform. The documentary dictionary is expanding via Submarine.
Keep ReadingPioneers in interactive media among documentary filmmakers can inspire us through their successful projects at a time when broadcasters are losing audiences.
Keep ReadingIf air travel is immoral, and the Internet has contracted geography, then what kind of window is the documentary screen today?
Keep ReadingThe CFC Media Lab’s Ana Serrano has created a beehive of activity culminating in Late Fragment, an interactive multi-narrative feature, which premiered at TIFF and is now being released on DVD.
Keep ReadingA prime example of ‘docu-cratic’ media making is, an interactive documentary engaging several thousand homeless voices across Canada.
Keep ReadingHaving attended the ZeroOne festival of electronic art and symposium of the Inter-Society for Electronic Art (ISEA), Wolfe reports on how new media will affect Canada’s indie scene in the coming few
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