Set on the island of Madagascar, the experimental Zaho Zay is a hybrid documentary, drama and poetic reverie that defies paraphrase. Co-directed by French Malagasy filmmaker Maéva Ranaïvojaona, and Austrian filmmaker Georg
Keep ReadingJessica Beshir’s lyrical Faya Dayi and Daniel Kötter’s formalist Rift Finfinnee, two oddly similar films set in an Ethiopia struggling with the upheavals of urbanization and industrialization, are almost excellent movies. Both
Keep ReadingThe small city of Gao, in northeastern Mali, is a gateway for tens of thousands of African migrants attempting to make their way across the Sahara to the Mediterranean and Europe. Considered
Keep ReadingReviews of Rita Moreno: Just a Girl Who Decided to Go For It, Bring Your Own Brigade, Faya Dayi, and Playing with Sharks from the 2021 Sundance Film Festival.
Keep ReadingThis sombre but reflective verité-style film gives voice to survivors of the Six-Day War, which ravaged the director’s hometown of Kisangani in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Keep ReadingI Am Samuel (Kenya/USA/Canada, 70 min.) Dir. Pete Murimi Program: World Showcase (World Premiere) I Am Samuel is a work of true bravery. This verité-style feature directorial debut from Pete Murimi offers an
Keep ReadingHot Docs' 2020 opening night film Softie by director Sam Soko and EyeSteelFilm is a portrait of photojournalist and activist Boniface “Softie” Mwangi.
Keep ReadingThe Sound of Masks (South Africa/Portugal, 70 min.) Dir. Sara CF de Gouvei Programme: Artscapes (North American Premiere) The Sound of Masks is a wicked cool arts doc about the power of dance.
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