Conceptual Docs


When you think about documentaries, certain things come to mind: verité shooting, archival footage, interviews, narration. Embedded in this idea of what could be called the “well-made doc” is a set of

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Review: ‘Makala’


Makala (France, 96 min.) Dir. Emmanuel Gras Programme: TIFF Docs (North American Premiere)   Makala, Emmanuel Gras’ documentary about an episode in the life of a Congolese charcoal producer/salesman, Kabwita Kasongo, is

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Review: ‘Caniba’


Caniba (France, 90 min.) Dir. Lucien Castaing-Taylor and Véréna Paravel Programme: Wavelengths (North American Premiere)   “Bring a barf bag,” was a warning I heard from a TIFF insider before I saw

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