TIFF Review: ‘Paris Stalingrad’

Paris Stalingrad (France, 86 min.) Dir. Hind Meddeb w/Thim Naccache Programme: TIFF Docs (International Premiere) Back in 1960, the filmmaker Jean Rouch, already acclaimed for Moi, un Noir, his genre-busting semi-fictional documentary shot in Africa’s

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TIFF Review: ‘The Kingmaker’

The Kingmaker (USA, Denmark, 100 min.) Dir. Lauren Greenfield Programme: TIFF Docs (Canadian premiere) Lauren Greenfield has become an award winning documentarian thanks to films like Generation Wealth and The Queen of Versailles, which illustrate the obnoxiousness

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TIFF Review: ‘Cunningham’

Cunningham (US/France/Germany, 93 min) Dir. Alla Kovgan Programme: TIFF Docs (World Premiere) Two-thirds of Cunningham consists of exquisite dancing choreographed by the iconic American choreographer Merce Cunningham, taking place on sets by the likes of Robert

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TIFF Review: ‘Red Penguins’

Red Penguins (USA, 80 min) Dir. Gabe Polsky Programme: TIFF Docs (World Premiere) In 2014 Gabe Polsky had a TIFF hit with Red Army, a terrific doc about the Soviet national team’s dominance of international hockey from the Fifties

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