The power of the people resonates strongly in We Are Many. This long gestating—and long shelved—doc from director Amir Amirani chronicles the global protests against the USA’s invasion of Iraq. We Are
Keep ReadingPete Souza, the protagonist of The Way I See It, surely practiced his craft that way for 40 years. The White House photographer for Ronald Reagan in the Eighties and Barack Obama
Keep ReadingBecoming (USA, 89 min.) Dir. Nadia Hallgren Is it time to crown Michelle Obama the First Lady of Documentary? After lending her mojo as executive producer to great docs like Crip Camp and last
Keep ReadingThe Final Year (USA, 89 min.) Dir. Greg Barker Don’t let The Final Year get you down. See it as an optimistic reminder of goodwill, rather than a tragic portrait of
Keep ReadingThe Final Year (USA, 89 min.) Dir. Greg Barker Programme: TIFF Docs (World Premiere) Sometimes with documentaries it is painfully obvious that the film that ends up in theatres is not
Keep ReadingSaltzman journeyed with her filmmaker father, Paul, to Sundance for his premiere screening of the feature doc Prom Night in Mississippi. She reports about Park City, Obama, tourism and political cinema.
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