See the best in Canadian cinema as the Kingston Canadian Film Festival returns March 2 – 5. The festival runs in person this year and screens some of the most acclaimed documentaries on the circuit including To Kill a Tiger, Ever Deadly, The Colour of Ink, Geographies of Solitude, Black Ice, Eternal Spring, and The Family of the Forest.
Thanks to our friends at KCFF, POV has a two-ticket voucher to give away for this year’s festival. This voucher allows winners to pick a pair of tickets to any film of their choosing. (Subject to availability.) All you have to do to enter is answer the following question:
KCFF screens Brian D. Johnson’s 2022 documentary The Colour of Ink with the screening preceded by which 1981 doc that features Colour of Ink subject Jason Logan and appears as archival clips in Johnson’s film?
a) The Family of the Forest
b) Au Nord D’Albany
c) All You Have to Do
d) City of Shadows
Need a hint? Explore the KCFF line-up to find out!
Send your answer to with the subject KCFF.
Deadline to enter is Wednesday, March 1 at noon EST.
Contest is open to Canadian residents.
Please note that the voucher is for in-theatre screening only.