Before the Last Curtain Falls, Joy of Man’s Desiring, Self(less) Portrait and Guidelines comprise a telling cross-section of styles and strategies for non-fiction filmmaking
Keep ReadingCome Worry With Us! by Hélène Klodawsky, The Sower by Julie Perron, and Absences by Carole Laganière are three very different films by women.
Keep ReadingCanadian film funding received further consideration as it pertains to independent documentaries and the big public spenders like CBC and the NFB.
Keep ReadingJust because the long-form documentary is the king of the hill now, doesn’t mean we can take it for granted.
Keep ReadingHot Docs' Deal Maker matched up roughly 50 filmmaking teams with broadcasters for intense, one-on-one meetings to discuss selected projects.
Keep ReadingLinda Vastrik and Mila Aung-Thwin discuss their international co-production Forest of the Dancing Spirits.
Keep ReadingThe Life and Crimes of Doris Payne, The Devil's Lair, Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer, and 12 O'Clock Boys bring new takes on true crime to Hot Docs.
Keep ReadingBà nôi, Alphée of the Stars, and Brand New River showcase Quebecois voices among the Canadian films at Hot Docs 2013.
Keep ReadingA survey of Hot Docs shorts including Just As I Remember, Softening, Yellow Sticky Notes | Canadian Anijam, and Packing Up the Wagon.
Keep ReadingWith NCR: Not Criminally Responsible at Hot Docs, John Kastner’s films continue to be preoccupied with weightily Dostoyevskian themes.
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