erfume War tells an inspiring tale of friends in wartime. This documentary by Michael Melski chronicles the story of two friends, Barb Stegemann and Trevor Greene, who inspired one another to change
Keep ReadingDavid Lynch: The Art Life lets audiences get inside the head of the acclaimed auteur.
Keep ReadingVanessa Gould's Obit is a remarkable doc goes inside the pages of the New York Times
Keep ReadingComplicit puts a human face on the stories of China’s migrant workers who toil away to make the modern conveniences many of us enjoy at a low cost.
Keep ReadingIn Tickling Giants, Sara Taksler chronicles Bassem Youssef’s journey from wisecracking surgeon to YouTuber, late night celebrity and political pariah.
Keep ReadingFloyd Norman: An Animated Life tells history from the perspective of its most passionate players.
Keep Reading“A cat meowing at your feet, looking up at you, is life smiling at you,” says one of the many affectionate cat people of Kedi. “Those are the moments when we’re lucky
Keep ReadingReviews of the Oscar nominated short docs The White Helmet, Extremis, Joe's Violin, 4.1 Miles, and Watani: My Homeland.
Keep ReadingExit Music (Canada, 82 min.) Dir. James Murdoch “What, then, do these five ever-greats have in common?” asks host Simon Wynberg in this doc that explores the lives and work of
Keep ReadingSteven Cantor's documentary Dancer profiles Sergei Polunin, aka the 'bad boy of ballet'.
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