Ari's Theme profiles a composer with disabilities who shares the transformative power of music.
Keep ReadingFragments of a Life Loved poetically explores a history of past relationships and former flames.
Keep ReadingDeath of a Saint crafts an enthralling tale of family, loss, and the secrets that often lay in the middle.
Keep ReadingBASE jumping documentary Fly offers vertiginous cinematography and audible whooshes that let audiences sail through the air
Keep ReadingOn interview with Intercepted director Oksana Karpovych about telling stories from the Ukrainian war with phone calls by Russian soldiers.
Keep ReadingBilly and Molly: An Otter Love Story tells how an adopted otter gave a man a new lease on life.
Keep ReadingDo women control their own bodies? Elina Psykou’s thought provoking essay film Stray Bodies finds multiple answers to this question.
Keep ReadingIn an uncanny stroke of serendipity, two very different films about treasure hunters in the modern era have arrived in Toronto’s cinemas at practically the same time.
Keep ReadingHybrid film Mexican Dream may be experimental and unorthodox but the pay-off is a crowd-pleasing melodramatic work of inspiration and happy tears.
Keep ReadingRachel Elizabeth Seed explores the life and work of her photographer mother Sheila Turner-Seed in A Photographic Memory.
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