Life, Animated tells the extraordinary tale of Owen Suskind who discovered communication skills through classic animated movies.
Keep ReadingKristen Johnson's Cameraperson is an entertaining, engaging work, which is surely one of the finest non-fiction films of the year.
Keep ReadingFerne Pearlstein’s entertaining and deeply philosophical Last Laugh asks if Jews, or even gentiles, tell jokes about the Holocaust?
Keep ReadingTony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru may be a concert movie where the viewer doesn’t love the band, but appreciates a portrait that is both entertaining and enlightening.
Keep ReadingAs food porn, Ants on a Shrimp has got enough chewable money shots to make even the most jaded of foodies salivate.
Keep ReadingNorman Lear: Just Another Version of You by Rachel Grady and Heidi Ewing is a touching portrait of the television icon.
Keep ReadingYou’re unlikely to find a more harrowing documentary this year than Diving Into The Unknown.
Keep ReadingDespite the flaws in Holy Hell, the documentary's subject matter is so intoxicating, the footage unique and the characters so fascinating.
Keep ReadingUnlocking the Cage by DA Pennebaker and Chris Hegedus follows attorney Steve Wise as he builds a case for personhood for chimpanzees
Keep ReadingLo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World sees Werner Herzog come to grips with the Internet, this most strange of human creations.
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