The notion that an Indigenous spelling bee competition could serve as the cohesive force to unite disparate First Nations children across Canada under one nation, as the title of Hot Docs’s 2017
Keep ReadingAlthough there is nothing new in the content, Documentary succeeds as an important curatorial intervention.
Keep ReadingOf starfish and jellyfish“Isn’t it better to have a lot of people seeing films that convince them to make a little bit of change, instead of only a few people seeing films
Keep ReadingThe New Nordic Documentary Cinema is marked by an impulse toward humanist storytelling that combines the personal with the political.
Keep ReadingLike most niche fests, Hot Docs emerged humbly when the Documentary Organization of Canada established it in 1993 as an industry insider’s event, but it's since grown into a premiere worldwide event.
Keep ReadingBuilding critical, creative knowledge communities around both—seeing and knowing—will strengthen documentary and improve education.
Keep ReadingDocumentaries can be great learning tools for students--and sometimes, their teachers. In a society where film is often the new "text," educators are harnessing docs in innovative ways.
Keep ReadingThe Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal (RIDM) celebrates its 10th anniversary this fall.
Keep ReadingCinemaNet Europe is more than a digital distribution network for documentary cinema. It is also a system of partner programmes in various EU countries.
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