Behind your favourite app is an army of invisible workers. Drivers and delivery services ensure we get our food on time and that we’re never late for a meeting. In countries worldwide,
Keep ReadingInfamous hacktivist Commander X (Christopher Doyon) may frequently refer to himself as the superhero Batman, but he comes across more like a displaced Iron Man. Here’s a man who uses his computer
Keep ReadingThe rise of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies after the 2008 financial crisis ushered in a new era for financial trading. Creating a financial Wild West of sorts, where anyone who understood blockchain
Keep ReadingSheona McDonald's Dead Man’s Switch: A Crypto Mystery a crypto mystery serves as a cautionary tale of the dangers of fast money.
Keep ReadingIt was the late, great Freddie Mercury who famously asked, “Who wants to live forever?” Ann Shin’s A.rtificial I.mmortality provocatively tries to answer this quandary and asks questions of her own.
Keep ReadingCoded Bias is a chilling doc probes the implications of facial recognition software and algorithms.
Keep ReadingMuch of 2020 was shaped by moments captured via cellphone in which police officers were seen leaning on the neck of George Floyd as he gasped for air. This brutal act of
Keep ReadingRodney Ascher, best known for his look at Shining obsessives in Room 237, returns with another round of cinematic and philosophical indulgences in A Glitch in the Matrix. Focusing primarily on so-called
Keep Reading"I think most people’s relationship to technology has shifted through the pandemic. On the one hand, we’re very grateful that we have the technology we have and, at the same time, I
Keep ReadingThe End of Certainties would be especially valuable for educational purposes, finding its place in curricula on the topic of globalization. Ultimately the film leaves you wondering what these people would be
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