Wim Wenders' 3D documentary Anselm, about artist Anselm Kiefer, scores distribution with Sideshow and Janus Films for the USA.
Keep ReadingWim Wenders' 3D documentary Anselm, about artist Anselm Kiefer, is a stunning portrait of a creator and representation in art.
Keep ReadingCunningham (US/France/Germany, 93 min) Dir. Alla Kovgan Programme: TIFF Docs (World Premiere) Two-thirds of Cunningham consists of exquisite dancing choreographed by the iconic American choreographer Merce Cunningham, taking place on sets by the likes of Robert
Keep ReadingWim Wenders discusses his documentary Pina, working in 3D, and his long career spanning documentary, drama, and hybrids of the two forms.
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