The gripping Defiant documentary follows four Ukrainian politicians as they negotiate for peace and find diplomatic routes to end the war.
Keep ReadingGod Is a Woman follows the quest to return the classic documentary The Sky Above, The Mud Below to the people it depicts.
Keep ReadingI Am Sirat is a collaborative documentary between Deepa Mehta and Sirat Teneja that shares the latter's experience as a transwoman in India.
Keep ReadingThe Mother of All Lies, co-winner of the l'OEil d'Or at Cannes, is a film of piercing honesty and a brave act of rebellion.
Keep ReadingErrol Morris sits down with David Cornwell, aka author John le Carré, for the ultimate documentary tête-à -tête in The Pigeon Tunnel.
Keep ReadingIn Pictures of Ghosts, Kleber Mendonça Filho considers the shared history of his films, his childhood home, and his neighbourhood of Recife throughout the years.
Keep ReadingSilver Dollar Road follows North Carolina family's multi-year legal battle to save the land that's been in the family for generations.
Keep ReadingMargreth Olin delivers a cinematically dazzling essay film with Songs of Earth that follows her father, Jørgen, as he roams in nature.
Keep ReadingDo Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World tackles the exploitation of labour, the free market economy, racism, sexism, and other topics.
Keep ReadingSorry/Not Sorry gives voice to the women who spoke up about Louis C.K.'s sexual harassment and tackles his inevitable return.
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